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non-fungible token (NFT), a non-interchangeable digital asset such as a photograph, song, or video whose ownership has been authenticated and stored on a database called a blockchain and which can be collected, sold, and traded on various online platforms.
(Read Britannica’s biography of this author, Mark Cuban.)
In economics, a fungible good is one that can be substituted interchangeably: a gallon of gasoline at one service station is the equal of a gallon of gasoline at another, and its price can be paid in many forms (cash, check, credit card, debit card) of identical value. A non-fungible good, conversely, is one of a kind: there is only one instance of Vincent van Gogh’s painting The Starry Night (1889), a unique creation and therefore a non-fungible work of art.
Collectible goods are both fungible and non-fungible, though for obvious reasons a painting such as The Starry Night is worth inestimably more than a mass-produced reproduction of it; collectors of fine art dismiss the latter as souvenirs rather than true works of art. A non-fungible token (NFT) is the digital equivalent of a certification of authenticity for a unique tangible object, and it has undergone a process known as minting. Minting takes the digital asset and, through software known as smart contracts, associates it with identifying information, such as ownership, media location, royalties, and more, and records that information on a decentralized database (operating as a ledger and record-keeper) of digital transactions known as a blockchain. This database, which stores and locks information in groups (blocks), is heavily encrypted and resistant to forgery and other falsification, and it is the main way that cryptocurrency systems and transactions, for which blockchain technology was originally created, operate. The Ethereum blockchain is most frequently used for NFTs because it easily accommodates the additional information required beyond what is necessary for cryptocurrency, but other blockchains have also adapted to support the form.
NFTs have become a popular way of offering digital assets as collectibles. Professional sports leagues such as the NBA and NFL have offered game highlights as NFTs, artists and musicians have released their work as NFTs, and even memes can be minted in this digital format.
Owners of NFTs can display and sell their assets on digital marketplaces such as OpenSea, Rarible, Mintable, and NBA Top Shot, and usually a digital wallet holding cryptocurrency is necessary for paying related fees. Some platforms allow the purchase of NFTs by credit card.
The first attested use of the acronym NFT dates to 2017 in a tweeted request for a protocol to “tokenize assets.” One such protocol existed as early as 2014, but trading under the acronym NFT did not begin until three years later. In 2021 Merriam-Webster, the dictionary publisher (and a subsidiary of Britannica), further solidified the digital asset’s public presence and cultural acceptance by auctioning off for charity an NFT of its new definition of NFT.
That an NFT is attached to an intangible good capable of being viewed or listened to only digitally has not diminished the growing popularity of the form. Famously, in March 2021, a digital collage of 5,000 images by the artist known as Beeple (his real name is Mike Winkelmann) was auctioned by Christie’s for $69,346,250 in an online auction viewed by more than 22 million people. One former Christie’s auctioneer later commented to the BBC that he had difficulty comprehending the very idea of an NFT, saying, “The idea of buying something which isn’t there is just strange.” Beeple himself wondered whether he was simply the beneficiary of a bubble, and the volatility of the cryptocurrency and collectible markets alike shows that the value of an NFT—just as with any other investment—can fall as well as rise.
Other instances of NFT sales have been less spectacular than Beeple’s but still noteworthy. Claire Elise Boucher, a Canadian musician who records and performs under the name Grimes, sold 10 digital images from a portfolio of her artwork for a reported $5.8 million in 2021, and, in the same year, Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter, sold an NFT of his first tweet, from March 2006, at auction for $2.9 million. That tweet will remain public and accessible to any Twitter user, but Dorsey’s offer to the prospective NFT owner included a digitally signed certificate of authenticity and metadata that records the exact moment the tweet was posted.
Perhaps the most controversial digital sale as of 2022 is that of a Banksy screen print from 2006 depicting a Christie’s auction well before the NFT came into being. The artwork was purchased for $95,000 by the blockchain firm Injective Protocol, which then burned it in a New York park and sold a livestreamed video of the event for $380,000 in 2021. Given that Banksy, who started as a street graffiti artist, destroyed one of his own works as an expression of the impermanence of art, the burning was not entirely inappropriate, though many critics dismissed it as a publicity-seeking stunt.
Purchasing an NFT affords the buyer exclusive ownership of an instance of the asset in digital form, although the creator may retain that asset in its tangible form, such as a physical painting that has been digitized. Additionally, NFT sales typically grant rights in the digital asset such as the right to exhibit it, though the artist may collect royalties. In some instances, creators build a proviso into the NFT that grants them a portion of the proceeds from any subsequent resale, which is easily tracked through the blockchain.
Perhaps confusingly, NFTs are now being offered for goods that are not strictly non-fungible but might instead be considered “semi-fungible.” The actor William Shatner, for example, sold 10,000 “packs” of digital trading cards containing 125,000 digital images altogether, with many repeated images. The sets sold out in just nine minutes in July 2020. In March 2021 the rock band Kings of Leon released its album When You See Yourself as an NFT. It was the first known instance of a musical act issuing an album in this form, with buyers entered into a lottery to win concert tickets and other unique extras.
Another NFT collection, called Bored Ape Yacht Club, offered 10,000 slightly different iterations of a group of cartoon primates, bringing in more than $2 million in a single day in which all 10,000 images sold out. A robust “avatar club” grew up around Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs, while other communities have formed around collectible images of cartoon cats, science-fiction figures, and the like.
NFTs allow artists and other creators to monetize their digital work in an international marketplace. Just as there are competing cryptocurrency formats such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, so are there different platforms for NFTs. The largest is OpenSea, a peer-to-peer platform that allows members to purchase NFTs directly. Rarible is another open marketplace, while Foundation is moderated by a community of artists who must invite or “upvote” other artists to participate, limiting the size of the marketplace. Lazy allows the display of NFTs.
As NFTs become increasingly common in digital commerce, their use is expected to expand into other realms. In the future, for example, an automobile title might take the form of an NFT, and already some real estate deeds have been transferred by this digital means.
NFTs are new enough that, as of 2022, tax authorities have yet to produce consistent regulations for them. NFTs are legally subject to capital gains taxes in the United States, although some students of regulation predict that the Internal Revenue Service may categorize them as collectibles, with a substantially higher marginal tax rate.
NFTs have been criticized, as has the entire cryptocurrency space, for their large environmental costs. The computing power required to run the blockchain and mint NFTs is immense; it was estimated that in May 2022 the energy required for a single Ethereum transaction equaled more than 250 kilowatt-hours, which is almost as much electricity as the average U.S. household uses in nine days. (Different cryptocurrencies can consume different amounts of energy per transaction.) Cryptocurrency platforms have been making efforts to reduce their energy footprints significantly through distributed computing and the use of renewable sources.
NFTs have also been criticized as a volatile form of speculation involving assets of possibly dubious value. With millions of NFTs now for sale across multiple blockchains and marketplaces, it is inevitable that there will be a learning curve as the market determines the ultimate worth of these novel assets. The NFT market is still in its infancy. It could take years to learn which NFTs have lasting value.